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Assistive devices for patients with auditory neuropathy: hearing aid use




Auditory Neuropathy (AN) is a hearing disorder characterized by disruption of temporal coding of acoustic signals in the auditory nerve resulting from lesions involving auditory nerve fibers, the inner hair cells or their synapses with auditory nerve terminals. Disruption of auditory nerve discharge underlies both the absence of auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and impairment of speech perception. AN may be underlain by genetic disorders or result from a wide range of other etiologies. It can be identified either as an isolated disorder (isolated AN) or associated with multisystem involvement (non-isolated AN).\udEffectiveness and choice of assistive devices depend crucially upon etiology, site of lesion and stage of the disease. Cochlear implants constitute an effective rehabilitative tool able to restore speech perception in many patients with genetic AN, especially those affected by the isolated form of the disorder. Hearing aids have been used by patients with isolated AN who were submitted to cochlear implantation with improvement in pure tone sensitivity. Some children with isolated AN have proved to be good hearing users, showing satisfactory open-set speech perception abilities in the aided condition. Moreover, over 50% of children discharged from Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) showing the electrophysiological profile of AN (absent ABRs, presence of OAEs) benefit from hearing aid use, the provision of amplification resulting in remarkable improvement in speech perception. \udIt can be concluded that differences in cochlear implant outcome or hearing aid use in patients with AN are related to the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying alteration of auditory nerve discharge associated with individual etiologies.
机译:听神经病(AN)是一种听觉障碍,其特征是听觉神经中的声信号的时间编码受到干扰,这是由涉及听神经纤维,内部毛细胞或其与听神经末梢的突触引起的。听神经放电的中断是听觉脑干反应(ABR)的缺乏和语言知觉受损的基础。 AN可能是遗传疾病的根源,也可能是其他多种病因导致的。可以将其确定为孤立的疾病(孤立的AN)或与多系统受累相关(非孤立的AN)。\ ud辅助装置的有效性和选择主要取决于病因,病变部位和疾病阶段。耳蜗植入物是一种有效的康复工具,能够恢复许多遗传性AN患者的言语知觉,尤其是那些受孤立形式疾病影响的患者。人工耳蜗植入患者的助听器已被使用,这些患者的纯音敏感度得到改善。一些患有孤立性AN的儿童被证明是良好的听觉使用者,在辅助条件下表现出令人满意的开放式言语感知能力。而且,从新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)出院的儿童中,有50%以上显示AN的电生理特征(缺少ABR,存在OAE)受益于助听器的使用,提供放大功能可显着改善语音知觉。可以得出结论,AN患者耳蜗植入结果或助听器使用的差异与与个别病因相关的听觉神经放电改变的病理生理机制有关。



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